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Generic names for trazodone. You can use any of our generically name pharmaceuticals and prescription drugs. If you want to know the correct generic names then please do a google search for each name of the product you are buying. following just a few generic names for trazodone most brands. Your generically named generic can vary between 8 to 32 letters. A. Doxylamine/Doxamine - this generic name is a variation of Doxylamine. It is an alkylamine drug. B. Duractam (Duramine) - this generic name is a variation of Doxamine. It is also an alkylamine drug. C. Fluorouracil - this a-blocker drug comes in different strengths and is an adrenergic a-adrenoreceptor blocking drug. D. Fluvoxamine - this drug comes in different strengths, and is the generic name for a-blocker. E. Indinavir (indinavir) - this a-blocker drug should only be used in patients with type 2 diabetes. F. Lopinavir - this a-blocker drug comes in different strengths and is a-adrenoreceptor blocking drug G. Levitra - this generic name of lecaprandol is a generic term that usually used for pharmacy technician online courses uk the same drug as Lopinavir. H. Misoprostol - this generic brand name is used for levonorgestrel - the progestin in Mirena and IUD also other birth control devices. I. Norprazole - this is a brand name for the contraceptive pill in United States (Ruane). Best drugstore bb cream in canada J. Orlistat - this is the brand name for drug Zovirax - ulcerative colitis. K. Patapravastatin (PPV) - this generic name for atorvastatin is a-blocker drug which similar to other drugs including atorvastatin a-blocker for atrial fibrillation and the drug Pravachol - atenolol drug. L. Pramlintide this generic name for atorvastatin has the same effect with different effects. M. Rezulin (mirtazapine) - a-blocker drug used in chronic renal failure N. Viagra - this a-blockers drug provides erectile potency and has the following possible side effects. O. Zoloft(soma) - the generic name for sertraline is a-blocker. There are different brand names for sertraline the generic name is brand name. Other generic names include: Zoloft, Zoloft-Sinequan and Zoloft